It's Magic.

This Business Breakthrough is the most compact program we could design to get maximum results in minimal time.

This immersion is structured to give you the plan of action for a more successful, sustainable, scalable business.
This event will give you clarity, focus, direction and an action plan… Guaranteed.

Meet Michelle Villalobos
"The Superstar Activator"

Led by Michelle Villalobos
& The Superstar Crew

Design & Develop Your New Big Back End Business Model for Freedom, Fulfillment & Fun...
In One Weekend!

“...3 years ago at this event I nailed my niche, and within 4 months I doubled my income and had my first 5-figure month.... I'm still going strong – last month was my best month ever, and now I am on the retreat team supporting others on their breakthrough journey – and I love it!"

LeeAnn Marie Webster
Creator of Totally Telesummits & Just Done It Weekend, Superstar Mentor at Business Breakthrough Retreat

Go Inside...


Common Concerns




The first step to scaling a "Superstar" business is CLARITY. Clarity of vision, mission, message, audience, and core value proposition – that "special sauce" or unique process (AKA: your "signature system") that will serve as the foundation for the next evolution  of your business. ‍

Next we nail down your income model, revenue streams, customer ascension plan, core packages and pricing, which lay the foundation for scalability, sustainability and impact. By the time you're done with Day 2, you'll have a business model laid out for a whole new business – and a whole new life.

All the strategy and planning in the world are useless if you don't DO anything. On Day 3 we map out your core marketing strategies, including pinpointing opportunities you can tap into right away, and 90-day action plan. We'll also support you in identifying, addressing and moving through what generally stops you from taking action.

The Business Breakthrough Retreat is an intimate, hands-on, get-things-done style event. It's for influencers, thought leaders and other mission and message-driven entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the world. It's for high-achievers who already "made it" then realized that true "success" is about much much more than the bottom line.

It's for those who are ready for real and honest feedback, support and guidance, and who recognize the value of being surrounded by others who are ALSO playing full out in building their dreams and pursuing their mission.

In this setting, you will be immersed in an entirely unique and effective framework for re-envisioning your business, step-by-step. Fast. You'll have lots of hands-on support from experts, including Michelle, who are there entirely to serve you and ensure you walk away with everything you came for.

In these 3 days, we've seen incredible ideas born, deep friendships develop, confidence blossom, and opportunities emerge. In this room, you'll find greatness – in the people around you, and in yourself.

We are here to support you, inspire you, train you, and guide you to stretch yourself, expand, reach new heights and contribute your gifts to the world in a way that's energy-rich and sustainable for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This event is for mission-driven business owners who are ready to make a difference in the world.

It's for those who have been masterfully building a career and already know how to "achieve," but are ready for something deeper, something more. A way to connect prosperity with purpose -- through speaking.

It's for those who are ready to be supported by peers and guided by mentors, and who are decisive and can move quickly in implementing.

Because the event is small and we want to make sure only the right people are in the room, we require each and every registrant to have a conversation with one of our coaches, before enrollment.


What if I’m just getting started?

This is not really a "beginner" event; most of the people participating have at least 3 years under their belt, many have a lot more than that. That doesn't mean you can't come if you don't meet that criteria, we just want to be extra sure we can meet your needs. That's why EVERY participant goes through an interview process before registering, to ensure that this is a good fit, and that we can deliver on our promise to you and the outcomes you sign up for.

If you're not sure, just book a call, and either Michelle or a team member will help you decide if this is a good next move for you – no pressure, promise.

Starting your journey with us will cut your learning curve dramatically and help you make a bigger impact (and likely more money) faster.

Our commitment is to your ultimate success, that's why we have this process in place, and that's why we also offer a guarantee.


Why should I consider participating in this program?

There’s plenty of great information floating around on the internet, but as Michelle will remind you: "information is not transformation." Your life and business simply won't transform just from "knowing."

Sharing space and making a bold commitment to show up for the 3-day immersion that is the cornerstone of this program is a fast track toward expanding the business of your dreams.

Live events are where missing pieces come together, decisions get made, and your self-defeating beliefs can be challenged by a mentor and a community who see you for your greatness – and won't let you off the hook.

Only at a live event can you experience the magic of working intimately with Michelle and be face to face with other Superstars who will inspire you and call you forward into a greater version of you.

Can men attend?

Of course!!  While our audience tends to have more women than men, we love working with men; men are ALWAYS welcome at our events, and we appreciate what they bring. Just be ready for lots of (amazing) feminine energy :)

I’m already doing well, will I still get value?

In a word, yes. Regardless of your stage of development, there is always room to refine your messaging, optimize your model, add revenue streams, and bring your message to new audiences – and do it all with more grace, ease, and joy. 3 days in a room with really smart, creative people -- like Michelle, her team, and the other attendees, can only help. We guarantee it.

The Superstar Business Breakthrough Program is an intimate, hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-to-work immersion experience to help coaches, consultants, experts, thought leaders, and other game-changers amplify income and impact – without sacrificing lifestyle in the process.

A Life-Changing Experience Designed To Shake Up Your Business...
(in a good way, promise!)

What If WORK Felt Like PLAY Every Single Day?

In this program, you will:

"In the first week after my retreat, I used the Magic Sales Strategy... and closed my first deal ever, a $7,500 monthly retainer for a year. Within 3 months, I'd landed 4 more clients."

Sol Picón, Picón & Co.

What Participants Say...

"3 years ago at this event I nailed my niche and within 4 months I doubled my income and had my first 5-figure month.... I'm still going strong – last month was my best month ever, and now I am on the retreat team supporting others on their breakthrough journey – and I love it!"

LeeAnn Marie Webster, Just Done It Weekend

"The 3-day retreat gave me a roadmap to brand myself, write my book, produce my events, land speaking engagements and monetize them."

Ithamar Urdaneta, Author & Speaker

"Since starting my journey as a solopreneur, the hardest part has been getting out of my own way and allowing for the wisdom and experience of others to guide me, keep me aligned with my higher purpose, Michelle, Jen, and the [Crew] provided a safe environment for me to unlock some deep blocks that were holding me back to being clear, aligned and energized in my life and in my business. This weekend was magical. Even in the stressful times I’ve encountered since the weekend, I am able to 'awaken' in the moment and remember who I am and what I'm here to do. Ahh! Thank you!!"

Monique Catoggio, Leadership & Strengths Speaker, Trainer & Coach

"I regularly attend workshops and retreats, and this one took me to a whole new level. From a personal development perspective, this was the best weekend of my life. An amazing experience of energy, alignment…and growth."

Pilar Ortiz, Talent, Speaker, Coach

  • Find out what makes you tick, so you can find greater flow in your work.
  • Learn why some activities fill you up... and others leave you drained.
  • Uncover subconscious patterns – and bring them to the surface so you can shift.
  • Get in touch with your deepest desires (then create a plan to achieve them!)
  • Find your best, most limitless source of fuel for consistent, inspired action.
  • Better understand the human process of transformation, so you can shift when you're struggling.

Beyond Business Breakthroughs...
You'll Also Discover YOURSELF

The Problem...

The Solution is to build a "Big Back End."

A Big Back End is an offering that has "legs" and can serve clients for years to come, it focuses on IMPACT as the key outcome, and turns your expertise, influence and knowledge into a lifestyle-friendly, scalable enterprise featuring predictable monthly recurring revenues (MRR).

With this approach, your business can be enjoyable, energy rich, prosperous, and IMPACTFUL.

The Solution.

From a young age, many of us – especially, but not only, women – spend our lives trying to please others. It starts when we're little, pleasing our parents, later in school we try to fit in among our peers, and soon we're trying to keep up with others with increasingly high-stress and fast-paced careers.

We learn from parents, teachers, pop culture, and conventional wisdom that spending 40 (or 50 or even 80!) hours a week to bring home a paycheck is normal, and that work is HARD, it's a STRUGGLE, but someday, maybe, if you sacrifice enough, you'll get "there."

And so we get caught in the hamster wheel, constantly working working working but getting nowhere – and not having much fun in the process. In the meantime, we distract ourselves with "to dos," and wear our "busy-ness" like a badge of honor.

And if you step out into self-employment, being your own boss is often harder than any job ever was. If you're an expert, a consultant, a coach or a professional services provider then you know that we constantly have to be in "hustle" mode to sell (and then "hustle-some-more" mode to deliver).

We sell our time for money, which means the only way to make more money is to SELL MORE TIME. Thus perpetuating a never-ending cycle of more hustle. But what if you want to do work that matters? What if ‍‍you want to make a difference? What if you want financial stability and prosperity (and the freedom to enjoy and share it)?







The Front End – Your Brand & Marketing

Every business needs a front-end that attracts clients, nurtures them, and builds credibility. Your compelling brand is your identity in the world; it's who you serve, what you stand for, and how you look and "feel" when your ideal clients experience you. Your marketing is the ongoing messaging that you send out regularly; and the most effective marketing is authentic, positions your offering as a unique solution, and attracts a steady stream of ideal clients and opportunities.

The Back End – Your Business Model

Your business model is how you "monetize your magic." It's the services you offer, how you get paid, and how you deliver those services, ongoingly. Our favorite models are "leveraged" ones (e.g., group or virtual retreats, events and education programs) that lead into "Big Back Ends," with monthly recurring revenues like masterminds, memberships, and coaching. It's also essential to have a simple sales process so you can consistently generate revenues each month.

Mindset – Your Beliefs & Behaviors

To lead your business effectively, you must first lead yourself effectively. That means letting go of old stories and behaviors that aren't serving you, and stepping into a new way of being that's purposeful, passionate and positive. If you've ever found yourself procrastinating, resisting, avoiding or sabotaging, that's your subconscious mind at play. To fully step into a higher level of leadership, it's essential to get your subconscious mind on board and harness its power to support your progress.

Your North Star...
Because Prosperity Without Purpose is Pointless

You can do all the "right" things in your business – all the strategies and tactics, perfect implementation and execution, but without a greater purpose, it's all meaningless. A Superstar Business STARTS with purpose.

And Turn Them Into


Clarify Your Vision, Align Your Business Model & Map Out
Your Action Plan.


What It Is & Who It's For

My business quadrupled over the next 14 months, but more importantly, I felt more fulfilled, free and aligned than ever before.  What I realized is that the right business model changes everything – it creates stability, leverage, freedom, and most importantly, IMPACT.

And now my team and I get to help other passionate Superstars (like you!) as they transition to business models that are more lifestyle-friendly, contribution-driven and enjoyable.

Hi! I'm Michelle. I'm a business strategist, creative thinker, former magazine editor-then-publisher, MBA, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), business mentor and coach, and recovering overachiever, lol. Phew!

Then 5 years ago, thanks to a major breakdown in my personal life, I had a major breakthrough in my business (amazing how that works, right?) During my recovery process, I started working with a mentor who helped me reorient my business towards my higher purpose, and transition to a more scalable business model so I could stop working 1:1 and start leveraging my time using small events, retreats, and an ongoing, membership program with monthly recurring revenues.

I'm also the Creator of The Superstar Business Breakthrough Program. I've been in business  over 12 years, and for the first 7 (yes 7!) I struggled, BIG TIME. On top of providing not-very-meaningful services that I mostly disliked, my revenues were up and down like a roller coaster (some months with a big fat ZERO in my top line). To make matters worse, between hustling to land clients and hustling to deliver (mostly in person) to clients, I was exhausted and felt trapped.

Get next-level clarity on your brand positioning, marketing and messaging to attract ideal clients, so you can hustle less & serve more.

Acquire an easy and graceful process to enroll ideal clients into your programs – without being "sales-y" or "pushy"

Define your programs, packages & pricing, including your Foundational Offer and monthly recurring "Big Back End."

Establish 3 core marketing activities to consistently drive high-quality leads and referrals, and fill your pipeline – in an energy rich way.

Nail down your 1-year Revenue Projections and 90-Day Launch / Promotions Plan!

Discover your greatest FUEL for moving through fear, uncertainty and inaction

Map out your Client Journey and Signature System.

Refine your business model and back-end recurring revenue streams so you have more stability, security and scalability.

The 3 Main Areas of Focus:

Put down your cross & pick up your torch... 'Cause it's TIME to SHINE.

If you’re in a “transition” period in your life, career or business…

If you’re ready for the next evolution of your business – and yourself...

If you're ready for work to feel like play...

If you’re ready for success on YOUR terms, and nobody else’s…

If you made it to "the top" only to find it wasn't what you really wanted...

If you're in the "time for money" trap and want to get out...

Is This Right For You...
Right Now?

Book A Discovery Call
To Learn More Now

Book A Discovery Call


Contact Info:
Phone: (888) 531-3830

What happens when you align your truest self, your deepest desires, and what the market needs and wants... all with a profitable, sustainable business model?

What do you mean by "Guaranteed?"

What we mean is that if you don't get the outcomes you came for and that we promised you, you can either 1) do the program again, on us, or 2) get a full refund if requested within 30 days. Your choice.

Cathy Fyock's Business Breakthrough Feedback


(clockwise from top left –>)
Karim Raymond: License to Lead
Rochelle Seltzer: Creative Core Coach & Author of Live Big
Susan Friedmann: Publisher & Creator of Boatloads of Books
Katie Gutierrez:
Co-Founder Errez Design

LeeAnn Webster: Email Marketing Strategist
Maryanne Dersch: Courageous Communication

Create Your Action Plan for Freedom, Fortune,

Left to Right: Michelle Villalobos: The Superstar Activator; Debbie Peterson: Getting to Clarity; Karim Raymond: License to Lead; Maryanne Dersch: Courageous Communication; LeeAnn Webster: Email Marketing Strategist; Jeff Rinkus: Billionize Your Business; Katie Gutierrez: Co-Founder Errez Design; Monica Reyes: Mindset & Spiritual Success Coach

See For Yourself, Take a Look Inside...

Left to Right: Michelle Villalobos: The Superstar Activator; Karim Raymond: License to Lead; Maryanne Dersch: Courageous Communication; LeeAnn Webster: Email Marketing Strategist; Katie Gutierrez: Co-Founder Errez Design; Rochelle Seltzer: Creative Core Coach & Author, Live Big

Click Here to Book A Discovery Call

Book A Discovery Call To See If
This Program Is Right For You

Discover A Whole New Way To Work…

Business Breakthrough Program

Align Your Mission. Design Your Model. Monetize Your Magic.

Where is the event located?

Currently, these events are virtual through Zoom.
Book a Discovery Call (below) to explore if this program is right for you.

September 12 - 14, 2024 (Virtual)
January 16 - 18, 2025 (Virtual)